Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Amazing Grace... How sweet the sound"

God has just been so incredibly faithful in my life. I may have never been so aware as I am now, but I can see it in every aspect, every crack and corner of my life. It has been so evident, maybe just because I have finally let God have the reigns in my life and I am not constantly trying to control situations, circumstances, and outcomes of daily living. What a relief to unload your troubles, sorrows, worries, fears, anxieties, and doubts onto a God who is strong enough to carry all of it, handle all of it, and sort through all of it. I have been incredibly blessed to see God working in my life and touching every part of it.
"Amazing Love, how can it be...
That you my King, would die for me.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...
I come and lay my burdens down."
This past week was crazy for me: I started out the week with interviews at a couple different places, unsure of which would potentially hire me... and by the end of the week I was employed by a company I have been dreaming of working with for a long time. Wow. God really does hear the dreams and desires of my heart and does care about them. Whether he answers them the way I want or doesn't- he still cares and overall wants to reveal the amazing plan he has for me, whether its something I dreamed of or never dreamed of.
"Amazing sight, no longer blind...
You touched my eyes- new Hope I find.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...
I come and lay my burdens down."
I have been shocked and amazed at all the things God has done during my time in Chattanooga so far. I have not felt so close to him in so long and can see Jesus in people everywhere here. This town is packed full of people with so much love and hospitality- people want to get to know you and your story. I had the  awesome privilege of going out to a lake house with some of the young life staff this weekend and it was such an amazing experience. Friday was a terrible day for me- I was feeling down, sad, and lonely and just really wanted to sleep for the entire afternoon and night and not talk to anyone. After feeling completely depressed and doubting my decision to move down here... I got a text from one of the girls inviting me to the lake house for the weekend. At first I kind of just wanted to say no and continue to feel crappy and lazy, but I finally decided to go and what a great time! Such amazing girls! God provided for me some great new friends, I just had to put my emotions to the side and open myself up a little more. Also, tonight I went out with a new friend to this great restaurant :]  I feel the same way about my job... as soon as I was just ready to throw in the towel and give up, God showed me that patience and perseverance are probably two of the most important things, especially for me.
"Amazing Joy, a happy shout!
You took my dark and cast it out.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...
I come and lay my burdens down."
Overall, what a great couple of days I have had- enjoying this great new home. Thanks for of your prayers...  please continue to pray for me as I start working on Tuesday and keep on starting new friendships. I hope and pray that God will strengthen me to be the hands and feet of Jesus as I go out into this strange and exciting place.
"Amazing Life, forget the grave...
Jesus has died, my soul to save.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...
I come and lay my burdens down."
"Amazing help, no more alone...
new family, new heavenly home.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound...
I come and lay my burdens down."
Ryan Long- Lay My Burdens Down

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