Friday, August 3, 2012


So this summer has been quite the adventure. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. There have been many days where I've been alone, lonely, and bored, but still I wouldn't trade those moments for anything else, because through them I've learned some pretty important things about myself. There have been many days where sitting in a coffeehouse writing has been the highlight of my day. If I could take MeanMug Coffeehouse with me to Michigan, I would. This amazing place not only has the best coffee and muffins, it has also served as a dwelling place, a sanctuary for my thoughts. There have also been days where going into work has been the highlight of my day. Just getting to talk with other people my age or putting my energy into work has been so satisfying. Going into the summer, I thought working in my favorite store would be the greatest thing ever... and really it has been a great experience. I've learned about retail and customer service, but I could not be more ready to leave my job. Getting only 18 hours a week has just left me way too much time on my hands with not enough to do. I wish I had looked for another part-time job earlier on, but I was told I would get more hours at the store. Working at the store has also been a huge temptation for me. It is difficult enough for me to be wise with my money, let alone working on the floor of your favorite store, watching all the new shipments come in. Third, I feel like I have to always be looking my best, always in a new, fashion-forward outfit... sometimes it feels like a competition with the other employees. Trust me, I love fashion, I love dressing up, I love new trends, but when you start spending hours getting ready and planning out your outfits and are constantly checking your reflection in the mirror to make sure everything is still in place- it kind of seems like something may be wrong with my priorities. Yeah, I want to look cute, and buy new clothes, but sometimes I just want to let my hair dry naturally, not apply makeup, and throw on jeans and a T-shirt. I think the devil knows that vanity is a huge struggle for me and he'll use whatever he can to make me think that it's more important than anything else- maybe even my job. He'll do anything he can to get inside my head and say that a physical impression means everything. Anyway, as I finally make up my mind to move back next week, I think back over the summer and think of the beauty God has put in my midst. I think of the beautiful people He has allowed me to have conversations and friendships with. I think of the beautiful places I've gone and the beautiful landscapes I've seen. I think of the beauty in diversity and culture. I think of the beauty in independence and choices and opportunities. And I think of the beautiful way God is working in my life each and every moment. May I always remember that beauty comes from within. Beauty comes from hands that reach out. Beauty comes from living a life pleasing to my creator. Beauty comes from trusting in His plan and not my own.
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." - Proverbs 31:30
Someone that was in my biology class at GRCC posted this as his status the other day and I thought that it was completely and utterly beautiful, so I'm going to share it with you...
"Just think, you're not here by chance, but by God's own choosing. His hand formed you and made you the person that you are. He compares you to NO one else, you are truly one of a kind. You lack nothing that His grace can not give you. He has allowed you to be here, in this moment of history, to fulfill his purpose for you. He loves you, no matter who or what you are. God's good plan included the joy of sharing life with you and watching you grow into all He has created you to be. Live life to the fullest and above all, live life in Christ's image."

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